Prep for testing

In this weeks tutorial the Dev team prepped for round 1 of testing. The first thing that the team did was develop a testing form

This form is intended for testers to provide feedback to allow the team to improve the product. Ideally we will get information about the game's perceived difficulty, whether we have matched our aesthetic to the theme of "party"  and most importantly bug reports.

We implemented terrain controls today which allow the player to control the rate at which hazards as well as things like boats and Lilly pads move. This works by selecting 1 slice at a time and then using the left and right directional controls to manipulate the speed of travel. This function only currently works in the game scene and does not function from the main menu. A system to identify the selected slice was also introduced so as to create clarity for users.

A high-score system was also implemented however it currently only displays 1 score at a time.

In this week a KillPlayer function was also implemented this allows for the player to actually die and a new game to be able to be started afterwards.
Joystick controls and arrow key controls were added
Players will now spawn further apart to allow for better gameplay in multiplayer modes.

Bug fixes:
You can now lose the game
Losing the game works properly 
Water now kills you
You can now correctly select all barrels when going through the character select backwards
Turned off keyboard/gamepad controls in the menu and made it reset the spawned players when you select a game mode

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